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Dies ist ein Attribut des Datentyps Text.
Person-time +
Mortality +
Morbidity +
Fatality +
Standardization, direct, indirect +
Two-by-two table +
Population at risk +
Absolute risk +
Chance, Odds +
Relative risk (RR) +
Odds ratio (OR) +
Risk difference, absolute risk reduction, absolute attributable risk +
Number needed to treat (NNT) +
Number needed to harm (NNH) +
Number needed to screen (NNS) +
Attributable fraction (AF), attributable risk proportion (ARP), attributable risk (relative), relative risk reduction (RRR) +
Population attributable risk (PAR) +
Population attributable risk proportion (PARP), PAR-Proportion +
Hazard +
Hazard Ratio (HR) +