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IMIA Recommendations 2010

Übersicht über alle Lernziele der IMIA Recommendations 2010

Tabelle aller Lernziele

LZ-PINLZ-IDDomäneThe students canNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4RolleGlossareintragVorgängerÜbergeordnetes Lernziel
LZ-PIN 210001.1Domain 1the evolution of informatics as a discipline and as a professionSkizzierenBMHI Spezialist/-in +
LZ-PIN 210011.2Domain 1need for systematic information processing in health care, benefits and constraints of information technology in health careEinschätzenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210021.3Domain 1the efficient and responsible use of information processing tools, to support health care professionals practice and their decision makingPlanenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210031.4Domain 1the use of personal application software for documentation, personal communication including Internet access, for publication and basic statisticsEinschätzenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210041.5Domain 1the Information literacy, library classification and systematic health related terminologies and use their coding, literature retrieval methods, research methods and research paradigmsErklärenZweckmäßig nutzenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210051.6Domain 1characteristics, functionalities and examples of information systems in health care (e.g. clinical information systems, primary care information systems, etc.)NennenBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210061.7Domain 1architectures of information systems in health care; approaches and standards for communication and cooperation and for interfacing and integration of component, architectural paradigms (e.g. service-oriented architectures) and can explain themNennen & erklärenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210071.8Domain 1management of information systems in health care (health information management, strategic and tactic information management, IT governance, IT service management, legal and regulatory issues)NennenBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210081.9Domain 1characteristics, functionalities and examples of information systems to support patients and the public (e.g. patient-oriented information system architectures and applications, personal health records, sensor-enhanced information systems)NennenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210091.10Domain 1methods and approaches to regional networking and shared care (eHealth, health telematics applications and inter-organizational information exchange)Nennen & erklärenAnwendenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210101.11Domain 1appropriate documentation and health data management principles including ability to use health and medical coding systems, construction of health and medical coding systemsNennen & erklärenBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210111.12Domain 1structure, design and analysis principles of the health record including notions of data quality, minimum data sets, architecture and general applications of the electronic patient record/electronic health recordNennenAnwendenBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210121.13Domain 1socio-organizational and socio-technical issues, including workflow/process modelling and reorganizationKritisch beurteilenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210131.14Domain 1principles of data representation and data analysis using primary and secondary data sources, principles of data mining, data warehouses, knowledge managementNennen & erläuternAnwendenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210141.15Domain 1biomedical modelling and simulationPlanen & durchführenBMHI Spezialist/-in +
LZ-PIN 210151.16Domain 1ethical and security issues including accountability of health care providers and managers and BMHI specialists and the confidentiality, privacy and security of patient dataNennen & erläuternBerücksichtigenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210161.17Domain 1nomenclatures, vocabularies, terminologies, ontologies and taxonomies in BMHINennen & erläuternAnwendenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210171.18Domain 1informatics methods and tools to support education (incl. flexible and distance learning), relevant educational technologies, incl. Internet and World Wide WebErläuternNutzenBMHI Spezialist/-in +
LZ-PIN 210181.19Domain 1evaluation and assessment of information systems, including study design, selection and triangulation of (quantitative and qualitative) methods, outcome and impact evaluation, economic evaluation, unintended consequences, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, evidence-based health informaticsPlanen & durchführenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210192.1Domain 2fundamentals of human functioning and biosciences (anatomy, physiology, microbiology, genomics, and clinical disciplines such as internal medicine, surgery etc.)ErläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in +
LZ-PIN 210202.2Domain 2fundamentals of what constitutes health, from physiological, sociological, psychological, nutritional, emotional, environmental, cultural, spiritual perspectives and its assessmentErläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in +
LZ-PIN 210212.3Domain 2principles of medical decision making and diagnostic and therapeutic strategiesNennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210222.4Domain 2organisation of health institutions and of the overall health system, interorganizational aspects, shared careErläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210232.5Domain 2policy and regulatory frameworks for information handling in health careNennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in +
LZ-PIN 210242.6Domain 2principles of evidence-based medicine and evidence-based nursingNennen & erklärenBMHI Spezialist/-in +
LZ-PIN 210252.7Domain 2health administration, health economics, health quality management and resource management, patient safety initiatives, public health services and outcome measurementNennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210263.1Domain 3basic informatics terminology like data, information, knowledge, hardware, software, computer, networks, information systems, information systems managementNennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210273.2Domain 3personal computers, text processing and spread sheet software, easy-to-use database management systemsNutzenBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210283.3Domain 3ability to communicate electronically, including electronic data exchange, with other health care professionals, internet/intranetNutzenBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210293.4Domain 3methods of practical informatics/computer science, especially on programming languages, software engineering, data structures, database management systems, information and system modelling tools, information systems theory and practice, knowledge engineering, (concept) representation and acquisition, software architecturesNennen & erläuternAnwendenBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210303.5Domain 3methods of theoretical informatics/computer science, e.g. complexity theory, encryption/securityNennen & erläuternAnwendenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210313.6Domain 3methods of technical informatics/computer science, e.g. network architectures and topologies, telecommunications, wireless technology, virtual reality, multimediaNennen & erläuternAnwendenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210323.7Domain 3Methods of interfacing and integration of information system components in health care, interfacing standards, dealing with multiple patient identifiersNennen & erläuternAnwendenBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210333.8Domain 3handling of the information system life cycle: analysis, requirement specification, implementation and/or selection of information systems, risk management, user trainingErläuternUmsetzenBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210343.9Domain 3methods of project management and change management (i.e. project planning, resource management, team management, conflict management, collaboration and motivation, change theories, change strategies)Nennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210353.10Domain 3mathematics: algebra, analysis, logic, numerical mathematics, probability theory and statistics, cryptographyNennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210363.11Domain 3can name and explain biometry and epidemiology, including study designNennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210373.12Domain 3methods for decision support and their application to patient management, acquisition, representation and engineering of medical knowledge; construction and use of clinical pathways and guidelinesNennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in +++
LZ-PIN 210383.13Domain 3basic concepts and applications of ubiquitous computing (e.g. pervasive, sensor-based and ambient technologies in health care, health enabling technologies, ubiquitous health systems and ambient assisted-living)Nennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in +
LZ-PIN 210393.14Domain 3usability engineering, human-computer interaction, usability evaluation, cognitive aspects of information processingNennen & erläuternBMHI Spezialist/-in ++
LZ-PIN 210404.1Domain 4biomedical imaging and signal processingNennen & erläutern
LZ-PIN 210414.2Domain 4health-enabling technologies, ubiquitous health systems and ambient-assisted livingNennen & erläutern
LZ-PIN 210424.3Domain 4medical bioinformatics and computational biology
LZ-PIN 210434.4Domain 4medical chemoinformatics
LZ-PIN 210444.5Domain 4medical information sciences
LZ-PIN 210454.6Domain 4medical nanoinformatics
LZ-PIN 210464.7Domain 4medical robotics
LZ-PIN 210474.8Domain 4public health informatics