VS-PIN 3074

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Version vom 7. September 2021, 11:47 Uhr von Darschaefer (Diskussion | Beiträge) (CSV-Import)
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Learning Objectives coming before VS-PIN 3074 (Version 1)

 CatalogueLO-IDDescriptionNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Role
LZ-PIN 31046BMHI-Version-13.8Methods for decision support and their application to patient management, acquisition, representation and engineering of medical knowledge; construction and use of clinical pathways and guidelinesname & clarifyimplement

Learning Objectives coming after VS-PIN 3074 (Version 2)

 CatalogueLO-IDDescriptionNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Role
LZ-PIN 32074BMHI-Version-23.8Methods for decision support and their application to patient management, acquisition, representation and engineering of medical knowledge; construction and use of clinical pathways and guidelinesname & clarifyimplement

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