Hilfe:Domain Page

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A domain defines a general area of knowledge covered in the catalogue and is subdivided into learning objectives.

The table on the top of the domain page displays information about the domain, e.g. a description of it content and its parent catalogue. All learning objectives assigned to the domain are listed in the table below. To visit the page of a learning objective click on the arrow symbol in the first column.

Creating a new domain

To create a new domain, go to the main page of the parent catalogue. Click the button "Add a new domain" underneath the domains table on the top right of the page. You will then be redirected to the input form. If you have no permission to edit the form, please contact the HI-LONa administrator. After entering all required meta data click "Save page" on the lower left. HI-LONa automatically assigns a unique identifier starting with "D-PIN" as the page name.

Editing an existing domain

If you would like to edit an existing domain, click the tab "Edit with form" on the top right of the catalogue page. You will be redirected to the same form used to create new domain with all current meta data pre-filled.