LZ-PIN 33098

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Learning Objective (LO)

Catalogue BMHI-Version-3
Domain D-PIN 64 | Management of complex information systems for medical research and care
LO-ID 5.3
LO-Text (De) Die Studierenden können Methoden und Ansätze zur regionalen Vernetzung und intersektoralen Versorgung (eHealth, Gesundheitstelematikanwendungen und organisationsübergreifender Informationsaustausch)
LO-Text (En) Methods and approaches to regional networking and shared care (eHealth, health telematics applications and inter-organizational information exchange)
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Verb in Niveau 3
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Didactic Note
Entry in Glossary
Higher Level LO LZ-PIN 33092
Step to this LO VS-PIN 4103

subordinate Learning Objectives to LZ-PIN 33098

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5.3.1 Die Studierenden können Anforderungen an die Informationsverarbeitung bei klinischen Studien an EDC (Electronic Data Capture) z.B. aus Registern (deutsches Krebsregister) benennen & erklären VS-PIN 4104
Requirements for information processing in clinical trials on EDC (Electronic Data Capture) e.g. from registers (German Cancer Registry) name & explain

Version Steps leading to LZ-PIN 33098

 previous LOCategory of ChangeChangeAuthorDate
VS-PIN 4103LZ-PIN 32113StraightUS/PV/SMITH-JET/Workshop HH26 Juli 2019

Version Steps that follow LZ-PIN 33098

 Category of ChangeChangeAuthorDate
VS-PIN 5103StraightUS/PV/SMITH-JET26 November 2019

Create a Version Step from LZ-PIN 33098 to a new Learning Objective