VS-PIN 5081

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Version Step

Learning Objectives coming before VS-PIN 5081 (Version 1)

 CatalogueLO-IDDescriptionNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Role
LZ-PIN 33080BMHI-Version-34.5The structure, design and analysis of health records (including the terms data quality, minimum data sets, architecture and general applications of the electronic patient record/electronic health record, electronic case record, electronic medical record)nameapply

Learning Objectives coming after VS-PIN 5081 (Version 2)

 CatalogueLO-IDDescriptionNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Role
LZ-PIN 34080BMHI-Version-44.5Principles of health record structure, design and analysis (Including the concepts of data quality, minimum data sets, architecture and general applications of the electronic health record EHR, electronic health record, electronic case record, electronic medical record)nameapply

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