LZ-PIN 12021

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Version vom 7. April 2021, 17:36 Uhr von Maria Tincheva (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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For a guide to this page see Help:Learning Objective Page.

Learning Objective (LO)

Catalogue NKLM-MI-2020
Domain Kapitel 4 | Apps, decision support and artificial intelligence
LO-ID 4.4
LO-Text (De) Studierende kennen die Möglichkeiten der Patienten, mittels Patientenapps eine aktive Rolle in Ihrer Gesundheitsfürsorge einzunehmen
LO-Text (En) The student understands patient empowerment: the possibilities of patients to take an active role in health care, e.g. through patient apps.
Verb in Niveau 1 kennen & erklären
Verb in Niveau 2
Verb in Niveau 3
Verb in Niveau 4
Role Gesundheitsberater/-in & ‐fürsprecher/-in | Health advisor & advocate
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