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The student can explain and apply registration and segmentation of medical images. +
The student knows different visualization methods as well as their properties and characteristics (artifacts) and can explain them +
The student knows basic terms and methods of quality and risk management and can explain them. +
The student knows the rules of practices and clinics presentation on the Internet as well as general conditions of medical consultations online. +
The student can give examples of medical teaching and learning systems and is experienced in their use. +
The student knows gene and protein databases and can explain their corresponding search methods. +
data to be processed and provided and enterprise functions to be supported by Radiology Information Systems and their user groups +
data to be processed and provided and enterprise functions to be supported by Picture Archiving and Communication Systems and their user groups +
data to be processed and provided and enterprise functions to be supported by Laboratory Information Systems and their user groups +
data to be processed and provided and enterprise functions to be supported by Operation Management Systems and their user groups +
data to be processed and provided and enterprise functions/processes to be supported by Patient Data Management Systems and their user groups +
data to be processed and provided and enterprise functions to be supported by Enterprise Resource Planning Systems and their user groups +
data to be processed and provided and enterpride functions to be supported by Data Warehouse Systems and their user groups +
data to be processed and provided and enterprise functions to be supported by Document Archiving Systems +
data to be processed and provided and enterprise functions to be supported by facility management and logistic systems (pharmacy, blood bank, food supply etc.) and their user groups +
the evolution of informatics as a discipline and as a profession +
need for systematic information processing in health care, benefits and constraints of information technology in health care +
the efficient and responsible use of information processing tools, to support health care professionals practice and their decision making +
the use of personal application software for documentation, personal communication including Internet access, for publication and basic statistics +