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The education in the application subject aims at the practical application of statistical and computational methods in the professional field of medicine. The study of medicine as an applied subject is deliberately not conceived as a minor in medicine. It is not intended to impart specialized medical knowledge, but to provide basic insights into the terminology, methodology and problems of medicine in order to train natural scientists to become competent interlocutors for physicians and health care personnel. The natural scientists are to be enabled to grasp medical problems and to be able to work on them with the help of computer science and statistics.  +
The education in the application subject aims at the practical application of statistical and computational methods in the professional field of medicine. The study of medicine as an applied subject is deliberately not conceived as a minor in medicine. It is not intended to impart specialized medical knowledge, but to provide basic insights into the terminology, methodology and problems of medicine in order to train natural scientists to become competent interlocutors for physicians and health care personnel. The natural scientists are to be enabled to grasp medical problems and to be able to work on them with the help of computer science and statistics.  +
BMHI experts integrate all other roles. They are competent to master specific methodology and tools and they are able to acquire and sustain specific BMHI knowledge and skills. (SMITH Competence Framework)  +
BMHI communicators and collaborators practise interdisciplinary and interprofessional empathic communication and collaboration (with all stakeholders, especially with medical professionals) in project teams. They advocate and communicate BMHI issues in the society and foster (public) acceptance by serving as a bridge.  +
BMHI managers and executives are able to direct complex information systems and project teams responsibly by applying and continuously developing their management and organisational skills as well as their competencies in process governance according to the requirements.  +
BMHI-Professionals base their actions on scientific principles, professional standards and an ethically reflected attitude. A high degree of personal conscientiousness is committed to the safety and well-being of individuals and society. Their actions are characterised by great personal integrity, responsibility and an awareness of the ethical, legal and socio-technical consequences of their actions.  +
BMHI specialist introductory level (IMIA Recommendations 2010)  +
BMHI specialist intermediate level (IMIA Recommendations 2010)  +
BMHI specialist advanced level (IMIA Recommendations 2010)  +
prepared by SMITH-JET (SMITH consortium of the Medical Informatics Initiative): basic version  +
CLO of the SMITH-JET group (SMITH consortium of the Medical Informatics Initiative): first version.  +
CLO of the SMITH-JET group (SMITH consortium of the Medical Informatics Initiative): second version. structuring.  +
CLO of the SMITH-JET group (SMITH consortium of the Medical Informatics Initiative): third version. Based on consensus process with SMITH stakeholders from DICs, academia, research and development, and experts from all 4 consortia of the Medical Informatics Initiative - May 2019.  +
CLO of the SMITH-JET group (SMITH consortium): fourth version. Based on a workshop with students representatives and experts from the care sector as well as experts from all 4 consortia of the Medical Informatics Initiative at the GMDS annual meeting in September 2019, complemented by comments from industry experts.  +
The BMHI learning objective catalogue was developed by the Joint Expertise Centre for Teaching SMITH-JET of the SMITH consortium (grant number: 01ZZ1803-V) within the framework of the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 2018 - 2022. The BMHI learning objective catalogue is now under the umbrella of the Medical Informatics Initiative's Task Force for Education, Training and Continuing Education. BMHI Catalogue version 5 has been completely revised. The IDs of the learning objectives have been standardized, identical learning objectives have been summarized and there hase been a content revision especially of domains D3, D4 and D5.  +
BMHI Researchers & Teachers (Scholars) are able to apply scientific methods to the the creation, dissemination, application and translation of domain specific knowledge.  +
'''Qualification goals:''' Students will be able to discuss basic concepts and methods of computer assisted surgery, technical and structural principles, procedures and methods of simulation, planning and intraoperative implementation in the medical environment, specific systems. Impart a basic methodological understanding of surgery-assisting systems, develop the ability to design their own systems. </br>'''Content:''' Fundamentals of image data acquisition, image processing and segmentation; registration; graphical and functional modeling; workflow modeling and visualization in surgery; application in specific systems; device technology (intraoperative) imaging; surgical navigation systems; surgical assistance robotic systems; telemanipulators; mechatronics in surgery; augmented reality; surgical device technology; evaluation and clinical review of surgical systems, medical device law.  +
Core competencies and core skills in medical informatics, medical information management, and biomedical informatics  +
Cross-domain competencies and softskills  +
Basics of medicine and principles of medical decision-making in diagnostics and therapy  +