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Unterhalb werden 20 Seiten angezeigt, auf denen für dieses Attribut ein Datenwert gespeichert wurde.
Possible errors/risks in the use of IT systems in healthcare and measures to minimize those risks  +
Characteristics, functionalities and examples of information systems to support patients and the public (e.g. patientoriented information system architectures and applications, personal health records, sensor-enhanced information systems)  +
Patients' possibilities of playing an active role in their individual health care through information services  +
Methods and approaches to regional networking and shared care (eHealth, health telematics applications and inter-organizational information exchange)  +
Requirements for information processing in registers and the term EDC (Electronic Data Capture)  +
Scenarios for telemedical applications and their underlying conditions  +
Socio-organizational and socio-technical issues (including workflow/process modelling and reorganization)  +
The formulation of requirements for the functions of departmental systems and of feedback on existing systems  +
Application scenarios for telemedical applications and their framework conditions  +
Ethical and security issues including accountability of health care providers, managers and BMHI specialists and the confidentiality, privacy and security of patient data  +
Basic principles of data protection  +
The terms pseudonymized and anonymized patient data  +
Informatics methods and tools to support their studies and training (incl. flexible and distance learning) and e-learning technologies (incl. Internet and World Wide Web)  +
Evaluation and assessment of information systems, including study design, selection and triangulation of (quantitative and qualitative) methods, outcome and impact evaluation, economic evaluation, unintended consequences, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, evidence-based health informatics  +
Regulatory requirements and data standards for medical research  +
Policy and regulatory framework for information handling in the healthcare sector  +
Basic principles of data protection  +
Methods of practical informatics/computer science, especially on programming languages, software engineering, data structures, database management systems, information and system modelling tools, information systems theory and practice, knowledge engineering, (concept) representation and acquisition, software architectures  +
Methods of theoretical informatics/computer science, e.g. complexity theory, encryption/security  +
The terms pseudonymized and anonymised patient data  +