LZ-PIN 11000

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For a guide to this page see Help:Learning Objective Page.

Learning Objective (LO)

Catalogue NKLM-MI-2015
Domain K1 | Medical documentation and information processing
LO-ID 1.1
LO-Text (De) Studierende können anhand von klinischen Beispielen beschreiben, warum Medizinische Dokumentation benötigt wird.
LO-Text (En) Students describe the need for medical documentation on the basis of examples.
Verb in Niveau 1 Beschreiben
Verb in Niveau 2
Verb in Niveau 3
Verb in Niveau 4
Role Medizinische/r Expertin/Experte | Medical expert
Didactic Note
Entry in Glossary
Higher Level LO
Step to this LO VS-PIN 1001

subordinate Learning Objectives to LZ-PIN 11000

Version Steps leading to LZ-PIN 11000

 previous LOCategory of ChangeChangeAuthorDate
VS-PIN 1001LZ-PIN 11000Specialrelevante LZK integrierenCS/US/SMITH-JET16 August 2018

Version Steps that follow LZ-PIN 11000

 Category of ChangeChangeAuthorDate
VS-PIN 1001Specialrelevante LZK integrierenCS/US/SMITH-JET16 August 2018

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