VS-PIN 1013

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Version Step

Learning Objectives coming before VS-PIN 1013 (Version 1)

 CatalogueLO-IDDescriptionNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Role
LZ-PIN 11007NKLM-MI-20152.2Students can explain and use the coding of steps, interventions and procedures using OPSexplainapplyMedical expert

Learning Objectives coming after VS-PIN 1013 (Version 2)

 CatalogueLO-IDDescriptionNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Role
LZ-PIN 11007NKLM-MI-20152.2Students can explain and use the coding of steps, interventions and procedures using OPSexplainapplyMedical expert
LZ-PIN 30013BMHI-Version-01.3.2The coding of measures, interventions and procedures by means of OPCapply

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