VS-PIN 2099

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Learning Objectives coming before VS-PIN 2099 (Version 1)

 CatalogueLO-IDDescriptionNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Role
LZ-PIN 30116BMHI-Version-06.1Characteristics, functionalities and examples of information systems for the supportment of patients and the public (e.g. patient-oriented information system architectures and applications, personal health records, sensor-based information systems)name & explain

Learning Objectives coming after VS-PIN 2099 (Version 2)

 CatalogueLO-IDDescriptionNiveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Role
LZ-PIN 31099BMHI-Version-16.1Properties, functionalities and examples of information systems to support patients and the general public (e.g. patient-oriented information system architectures and applications, personal health records, sensor-based information systems)name & explain

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