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Students know the legal foundations of medical documentation and can explain them +
Students name advantages and disadvantages of electronic documentation, its differences to paper documentation and the problems of media gaps +
Students represent features for a medical documentation procedure +
Students know measures to ensure high data quality and can use database queries. +
Students code diagnoses using ICD-10-GM for inpatient and outpatient use (treatment) +
Students can explain and use the coding of steps, interventions and procedures using OPS +
Students know the principles of the DRG-system, the information and tools required to assign a DRG, and the key figures relevant for the DRG-system and can explain them +
Students know further medical classifications and terminologies, understands their structure and field of application +
Students know tasks and function of a KIS and can explain them +
Students name and explain the most important components of a HIS (RIS/PACS, LIS, PDMS, OP-System, PDV (patient data processing), KAS (clinical workplacesystem) +
Students can formulate of requirements concerning the functionality of departmental systems and provide feedback on existing systems +
Students can request examinations in the clinical workplace system (KAS) , document findings and prepare a medical prescription and a medical report +
Students know the CPOE procedure (Computerized Physician Order Entry), its advantages, disadvantages and prerequisites and explain them. +
Students know tasks and functions of the different types of electronic patient records (initiated by a physician, institution-related or cross-institutional) and the electronic health record (initiated by the patient). +
Students know Possible errors/risks in the use of IT systems in healthcare and measures to minimize these risks +
Students know Requirements for information processing in registers and the term EDC (Electronic Data Capture) and can explain them. +
Students know tasks and functions of information systems for outpatient care and medical responsibilities in the use of these systems and can explain them +
Students know tasks and functions of electronic health card (eHC) and health professional card (HBA), as well as the principle of telematics infrastructure ans can explain them +
Students know the concept of interoperability and the reasons for its imperative, levels and requirements +
Students name important standards of medical informatics +