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Unterhalb werden 20 Seiten angezeigt, auf denen für dieses Attribut ein Datenwert gespeichert wurde.
The student knows examples of machine learning approaches and can explain the basic principles for their evaluation using the example of artificial neural networks.  +
The student knows the term Personalised Medicine or Precision Medicine and medical applications of machine learning methods or AI systems, especially in the context of the Medical Device regulation.  +
The student understands patient empowerment: the possibilities of patients to take an active role in health care, e.g. through patient apps.  +
The student knows tasks and functions of electronic health insurance cards and health professional cards as well as the principle of the telematics infrastructure and can explain it  +
The student knows the term interoperability and its necessity, levels and requirements and can explain these using a clinical example.  +
The student can name important international standards of medical informatics.  +
The student understands the application use of telemedicine applications and can explain their framework conditions.  +
The student can understand and apply fundamental principles of data protection.  +
The student can explain und distinguish pseudonymised and anonymised patient data.  +
The student can explain the technical and organisational measures used for secure handling of patient data.  +
The student understands legal principles in the context of medical documentation or information systems and can explain them.  +
The student can name regulatory requirements and data standards for medical research.  +
The student can do medical literature searches, use search syntax correctly and evaluate the quality of knowledge sources.  +
The student can explain the meaning of controlled vocabulary in medicine and use it in literature search.  +
The student knows and can explain the importance of recall and precision when searching in databases.  +
The student knows drug information systems and can apply them.  +
The student knows quality and development stages of guidelines and can explain them.  +
The student can name examples of medical bio‐ signals, knows filter procedures for biosignals and can explain them.  +
The student knows examples of medical images and can name their properties.  +
The student knows procedures for image processing, can explain and apply them.  +