LZ-PIN 12020

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Learning Objective (LO)

Catalogue NKLM-MI-2020
Domain Kapitel 4 | Apps, decision support and artificial intelligence
LO-ID 4.3
LO-Text (De) Studierende kennen den Begriff personalisierte Medizin und medizinische Anwendungen von maschinellen Lernverfahren oder KI-Systemen, insbesondere im Kontext des Medizinproduktegesetzes.
LO-Text (En) The student knows the term Personalised Medicine or Precision Medicine and medical applications of machine learning methods or AI systems, especially in the context of the Medical Device regulation.
Verb in Niveau 1 kennen
Verb in Niveau 2
Verb in Niveau 3
Verb in Niveau 4
Role Medizinische/r Expertin/Experte | Medical expert
Didactic Note
Entry in Glossary
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 Category of ChangeChangeAuthorDate
VS-PIN 3183Newaus dem NKLM-MI 2020 genommenUS/PV/SK/SMITH-JET24 Mai 2019

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