D-PIN 41

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LT-PIN 30011PrävalenzPrevalence
LT-PIN 301010VierfeldertafelTwo-by-two table
LT-PIN 301111Population unter RisikoPopulation at risk
LT-PIN 301212Absolutes RisikoAbsolute risk
LT-PIN 301313Chance, OddsChance, Odds
LT-PIN 301414Relatives Risiko (RR)Relative risk (RR)
LT-PIN 301515Odds Ratio (OR) ChancenverhältnisOdds ratio (OR)
LT-PIN 301616Risikodifferenz absolute Risikoreduktion, absolutes attributables RisikoRisk difference, absolute risk reduction, absolute attributable risk
LT-PIN 301717Number needed to treat (NNT)Number needed to treat (NNT)
LT-PIN 301818Number needed to harm (NNH)Number needed to harm (NNH)
LT-PIN 301919Number needed to screen (NNS)Number needed to screen (NNS)
LT-PIN 30022InzidenzIncidence
LT-PIN 302020Attributable Fraktion (AF), attributable Risiko Proportion, attributables Risiko (relativ), relative RisikoreduktionAttributable fraction (AF), attributable risk proportion (ARP), attributable risk (relative), relative risk reduction (RRR)
LT-PIN 302121Populations-attributables Risiko (PAR)Population attributable risk (PAR)
LT-PIN 302222Populationsattributable Risikofraktion (PARF), PAR-ProportionPopulation attributable risk proportion (PARP), PAR-Proportion
LT-PIN 302323HazardHazard
LT-PIN 302424Hazard Ratio (HR)Hazard Ratio (HR)
LT-PIN 302525ÜberlebenszeitSurvival time
LT-PIN 30033Kumulative InzidenzCumulative incidence
LT-PIN 30044InzidenzrateIncidence rate
LT-PIN 30055PersonenzeitPerson-time
LT-PIN 30066MortalitätMortality
LT-PIN 30077MorbiditätMorbidity
LT-PIN 30088LetalitätFatality
LT-PIN 30099Standardisierung direkt, indirektStandardization, direct, indirect

Learning Objectives of this Domain

Go to LO LO-ID Domain Description Description_DE Niveau 1 Niveau 2 Niveau 3 Niveau 4 Topic Role Parent LO Version Step
1 EK1 the term prevalence den Begriff Prävalenz explain Prävalenz
10 EK1 the incidence density die Inzidenzrate calculate Inzidenzrate
11 EK1 the incidence density die Inzidenzrate evaluate Inzidenzrate
12 EK1 the term person-time den Begriff Personenzeit Personenzeit
13 EK1 the person-time die Personenzeit Personenzeit
14 EK1 the term mortality den Begriff Mortalität Mortalität
15 EK1 the mortality die Mortalität Mortalität
16 EK1 the term morbidity den Begriff Morbidität Morbidität
17 EK1 the term fatality den Begriff Letalität Letalität
18 EK1 the fatality die Letalität Letalität
19 EK1 the fatality die Letalität evaluate Letalität
2 EK1 the prevalence die Prävalenz
20 EK1 the term standardization direct, indirect den Begriff Standardisierung direkt, indirekt Standardisierung direkt, indirekt
21 EK1 a standardized rate (direct standardization) eine standardisierte Rate (direkte Standardisierung) Standardisierung direkt, indirekt
22 EK1 standardized mortality/incidence rate (indirect standardization) ein standardisiertes Mortalitäts-/Inzidenz-Verhältnis (SMR, SIR) (indirekte Standardisierung) Standardisierung direkt, indirekt
23 EK1 the term two-by-two table den Begriff Vierfeldertafel Vierfeldertafel
24 EK1 a two-by-two table eine Vierfeldertafel create Vierfeldertafel
25 EK1 needed data for a two-by-two table die für eine Vierfeldertafel benötigten Daten Vierfeldertafel
26 EK1 missing values of a two-by-two table fehlende Werte einer Vierfeldertafel Vierfeldertafel
27 EK1 the term population at risk den Begriff Population unter Risiko Population unter Risiko
28 EK1 the term absolute risk den Begriff Absolutes Risiko Absolutes Risiko
29 EK1 the absolute risk das absolute Risiko Absolutes Risiko
3 EK1 the prevalence die Prävalenz
30 EK1 the absolute risk das absolute Risiko Absolutes Risiko
31 EK1 the term chance, odds den Begriff Chance, Odds Chance, Odds
32 EK1 the odds die Odds/Chancen Chance, Odds
33 EK1 the odds die Odds/Chancen Chance, Odds
34 EK1 the difference between odds and risk den Unterschied zwischen Odds und Risiko Chance, Odds
35 EK1 the term relative risk (RR) den Begriff Relatives Risiko (RR) Relatives Risiko (RR)
36 EK1 the relative risk das relative Risiko Relatives Risiko (RR)
37 EK1 the relative risk das relative Risiko Relatives Risiko (RR)
38 EK1 the term odds ratio (OR) den Begriff Odds Ratio (OR) Chancenverhältnis Odds Ratio (OR) Chancenverhältnis
39 EK1 the odds ratio (OR) das/die Odds Ratio Odds Ratio (OR) Chancenverhältnis
4 EK1 the term incidence den Begriff Inzidenz Inzidenz
40 EK1 the odds ratio (OR) das/die Odds Ratio
41 EK1 the terms risk difference, absolute risk reduction,absolute attributable risk die Begriffe Risikodifferenz, absolute Risikoreduktion, absolutes attributables Risiko Risikodifferenz absolute Risikoreduktion, absolutes attributables Risiko
42 EK1 the risk difference die Risikodifferenz Risikodifferenz absolute Risikoreduktion, absolutes attributables Risiko
43 EK1 the risk difference die Risikodifferenz Risikodifferenz absolute Risikoreduktion, absolutes attributables Risiko
44 EK1 the term number needed to treat (NNT) den Begriff Number needed to treat (NNT) Number needed to treat (NNT)
45 EK1 the number needed to treat die Number needed to treat Number needed to treat (NNT)
46 EK1 the number needed to treat die Number needed to treat Number needed to treat (NNT)
47 EK1 the term number needed to harm (NNH) den Begriff Number needed to harm (NNH) Number needed to harm (NNH)
48 EK1 the number needed to harm die Number needed to harm Number needed to harm (NNH)
49 EK1 the number needed to harm die Number needed to harm Number needed to harm (NNH)
5 EK1 the relationship between incidence and prevalence den Zusammenhang zwischen Inzidenz und Prävalenz
50 EK1 the term number needed to screen (NNS) den Begriff Number needed to screen (NNS) Number needed to screen (NNS)
51 EK1 the number needed to screen die Number needed to screen Number needed to screen (NNS)
52 EK1 the number needed to screen die Number needed to screen Number needed to screen (NNS)
53 EK1 the term attributable fraction (AF), attributable risk proportion (ARP), attributable risk (relative), relative risk reduction (RRR) den Begriff attributable Fraktion (AF), attributable Risiko Proportion, attributables Risiko (relativ), relative Risikoreduktion Attributable Fraktion (AF), attributable Risiko Proportion, attributables Risiko (relativ), relative Risikoreduktion
54 EK1 the attributable fraction die attributable Fraktion Attributable Fraktion (AF), attributable Risiko Proportion, attributables Risiko (relativ), relative Risikoreduktion
55 EK1 the attributable fraction die attributable Fraktion Attributable Fraktion (AF), attributable Risiko Proportion, attributables Risiko (relativ), relative Risikoreduktion
56 EK1 the term population attributable risk (PAR) den Begriff Populations-attributables Risiko (PAR) Populations-attributables Risiko (PAR)
57 EK1 the population attributable risk das populationsattributable Risiko Populations-attributables Risiko (PAR)
58 EK1 the population attributable risk das populationsattributable Risiko Populations-attributables Risiko (PAR)
59 EK1 the term population attributable risk proportion (PARP) PAR-Proportion den Begriff Populationsattributable Risikofraktion (PARF) PAR-Proportion Populationsattributable Risikofraktion (PARF), PAR-Proportion
6 EK1 the term cumulative incidence den Begriff kumulative Inzidenz Kumulative Inzidenz
60 EK1 the population attributable risk proportion die populationsattributable Risikofraktion
61 EK1 the population attributable risk proportion die populationsattributable Risikofraktion
62 EK1 the term hazard den Begriff Hazard Hazard
63 EK1 the term hazard ratio (HR) den Begriff Hazard Ratio (HR) Hazard Ratio (HR)
64 EK1 the hazard ratio die Hazard Ratio Hazard Ratio (HR)
65 EK1 the term survival time den Begriff Überlebenszeit Überlebenszeit
66 EK1 the term censoring den Begriff Zensierung Überlebenszeit
67 EK1 needed data/ information for the calculation of survival time analyses welche Daten/Informationen für die Berechnung der Überlebenszeit benötigt werden Überlebenszeit
68 EK1 a Kaplan-Meier-curve eine Kaplan-Meier-Kurve interpret Überlebenszeit
7 EK1 the cumulative incidence die kumulative Inzidenz
8 EK1 the cumulative incidence die kumulative Inzidenz
9 EK1 the term incidence rate den Begriff Inzidenzrate