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Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- D8 + (Accessing, managing and mining biomedical big data)
- D-PIN 23 + (Accessing, managing and mining biomedical big data)
- D-PIN 58 + (Accessing, managing and mining biomedical big data)
- D-PIN 67 + (Accessing, managing and mining biomedical big data)
- D-PIN 76 + (Accessing, managing and mining biomedical big data)
- D-PIN 85 + (Accessing, managing and mining biomedical big data)
- D-PIN 94 + (Accessing, managing and mining biomedical big data)
- LZ-PIN 34023 + (Advantages and disadvantages of electronic documentation, its differences to paper documentation and the problems of media gaps)
- LZ-PIN 32024 + (Advantages and disadvantages of electronic documentation, its differences to paper documentation and the problems of media gaps)
- LZ-PIN 31003 + (Advantages and disadvantages of electronic documentation, its differences to paper documentation and the problems of media gaps)
- LZ-PIN 35030 + (Advantages and disadvantages of electronic documentation, its differences to paper documentation and the problems of media gaps)
- LZ-PIN 34047 + (Algorithm for searching and mapping sequences)
- LZ-PIN 33047 + (Algorithm for searching and mapping sequences)
- LZ-PIN 35055 + (Algorithms for searching and mapping gene and protein sequences)
- LZ-PIN 34020 + (An effective and responsible use of information processing tools to support health professionals' practice and their decision-making)
- LZ-PIN 34058 + (An effective search for adequate scientific evidence)
- LZ-PIN 32061 + (An effective search for adequate scientific evidence)
- LZ-PIN 33058 + (An effective search for adequate scientific evidence)
- LZ-PIN 35066 + (An effective search for adequate scientific evidence)
- LZ-PIN 34163 + (Analysis methods (statistical models, "machine learning" and artificial intelligence methods))
- LZ-PIN 35230 + (Analysis methods, e.g. statistical models, "machine learning" and artificial intelligence methods)
- LZ-PIN 32180 + (Analytical methods (statistical models, machine learning and artificial intelligence methods))
- LZ-PIN 33159 + (Analytical methods (statistical models, machine learning and artificial intelligence methods))
- LZ-PIN 34145 + (Application fields of image and signal processing)
- LZ-PIN 32156 + (Application fields of image and signal processing)
- LZ-PIN 33141 + (Application fields of image and signal processing)
- LZ-PIN 35218 + (Application fields of image and signal processing)