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Students know application scenarios for telemedical applications and can explain their prerequisites +
Students know patients' possibilities of playing an active role in their individual health care through information services and can explain it. +
Students can name and use basic principles of data protection +
Students can explain and evaluate pseudonymization and anonymization of patient data +
Students know Methods for the secure transmission and storage of patient data and the differences between safe and unsafe methods +
Students are able to conduct Literature research using MEDLINE (PubMed) , use the query syntax correctly and assess the quality of knowledge sources +
Students explain the importance of controlled vocabularies for medicine in general and use the MeSH for literature research +
Students know the importance of recall and precision in the context of database research and can explain them +
Students know drug information systems and can use them +
Students know classification of guideline development process and levels of evidence and can explain them +
Students name examples of medical biosignals and knows filtering methods for biosignals and explain them +
Students know examples of medical images and can name their properties +
Students know methods for image enhancement and can explain and use them +
Students can explain and use registration and segmentation of medical images +
Students know various visualization methods, their properties and peculiarities (artifacts) and explain them +
Students know basic concepts and methods of quality and risk management and can explain them +
Students know regulations for the internet presentation of practices/clinics and the prerequisites for medical consultations on the Internet +
Students know examples of medical teaching and learning systems +
Students name regulatory requirements and data standards for medical research +
Students know gene and protein databases and the corresponding search methods and can explain them +