Bearbeite Modulbeschreibung: GeshSys (Aachen)

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Short Name:
Name (De):
Name (En):
Description (De):
Study Program(s):

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Short NameStudy Program(De)Study Program(En)
AF Inf. BSc (Aachen)Anwendungsfach Medizin im Bachelorstudiengang InformatikSubject Medicine in the Bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science
AF Inf. MSc (Aachen)Anwendungsfach Medizin im Masterrstudiengang InformatikSubject Medicine in the Master's degree programme in Computer Science
MED-DS AachenMedical Data ScienceMedical Data Science
MSc MI (Leipzig)Master of Science MedizininformatikMaster of Science Biomedical and Health Informatics
MSc UDG MontenegroGesundheits-Informations-ManagementHealth Information Management
Learning Objectives of the Module:
external Learning Objectives of the Module:
