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Eine Liste aller Seiten, die das Attribut „Beschreibung-EN“ mit dem Wert „multiple linear regression analysis“ haben. Weil nur wenige Ergebnisse gefunden wurden, werden auch ähnliche Werte aufgelistet.

Hier sind 26 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

Zeige (vorherige 50 | nächste 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


Liste der Ergebnisse

  • LZ-PIN 50155  + (logistic regression)
  • LZ-PIN 21007  + (management of information systems in health care (health information management, strategic and tactic information management, IT governance, IT service management, legal and regulatory issues))
  • LZ-PIN 21035  + (mathematics: algebra, analysis, logic, numerical mathematics, probability theory and statistics, cryptography)
  • LZ-PIN 60096  + (measures to control bias)
  • LZ-PIN 50158  + (measures to control bias and random error)
  • LZ-PIN 50161  + (measures to control confounding)
  • LZ-PIN 50160  + (measures to control confounding)
  • LZ-PIN 60101  + (measures to control for condounding)
  • LZ-PIN 60100  + (measures to control for condounding)
  • LZ-PIN 21042  + (medical bioinformatics and computational biology)
  • LZ-PIN 21043  + (medical chemoinformatics)
  • LZ-PIN 21044  + (medical information sciences)
  • LZ-PIN 21045  + (medical nanoinformatics)
  • LZ-PIN 21046  + (medical robotics)
  • LZ-PIN 29  + (methods and approaches for regional networking and intersectoral care (eHealth, health telematics applications and cross-organizational information exchange))
  • LZ-PIN 21009  + (methods and approaches to regional networking and shared care (eHealth, health telematics applications and inter-organizational information exchange))
  • LZ-PIN 21037  + (methods for decision support and their application to patient management, acquisition, representation and engineering of medical knowledge; construction and use of clinical pathways and guidelines)
  • LZ-PIN 49  + (methods of identification and authentification)
  • LZ-PIN 21029  + (methods of practical informatics/computer methods of practical informatics/computer science, especially on programming languages, software engineering, data structures, database management systems, information and system modelling tools, information systems theory and practice, knowledge engineering, (concept) representation and acquisition, software architectureson and acquisition, software architectures)
  • LZ-PIN 21034  + (methods of project management and change management (i.e. project planning, resource management, team management, conflict management, collaboration and motivation, change theories, change strategies))
  • LZ-PIN 51  + (methods of project management and change management (i.e. project planning, resource management, team management, conflict management, collaboration and motivation, change theories, change strategies))
  • LZ-PIN 21031  + (methods of technical informatics/computer science, e.g. network architectures and topologies, telecommunications, wireless technology, virtual reality, multimedia)
  • LZ-PIN 21030  + (methods of theoretical informatics/computer science, e.g. complexity theory, encryption/security)
  • LZ-PIN 60099  + (methods to identify confounders)
  • LZ-PIN 60026  + (missing values of a two-by-two table)
  • LZ-PIN 21001  + (need for systematic information processing in health care, benefits and constraints of information technology in health care)
  • LZ-PIN 60025  + (needed data for a two-by-two table)
  • LZ-PIN 60067  + (needed data/ information for the calculation of survival time analyses)
  • LZ-PIN 21016  + (nomenclatures, vocabularies, terminologies, ontologies and taxonomies in BMHI)
  • LZ-PIN 50053  + (odds and odds ratios)
  • LZ-PIN 50052  + (odds and odds ratios)
  • D-PIN 28  + (only for testing and presentation)
  • LZ-PIN 21022  + (organisation of health institutions and of the overall health system, interorganizational aspects, shared care)
  • LZ-PIN 53  + (organizational structures for the management of health information systems)
  • LZ-PIN 21027  + (personal computers, text processing and spread sheet software, easy-to-use database management systems)
  • LZ-PIN 50205  + (phases of clinical trials and their importance)
  • LZ-PIN 26  + (physical interoperability and integration by communication networks for Health Information Systems)
  • LZ-PIN 21023  + (policy and regulatory frameworks for information handling in health care)
  • LZ-PIN 50197  + (possibilities and limitations of these study designs)
  • LZ-PIN 50203  + (potentials and limitations of RCTs)
  • BMHI-Version-0  + (prepared by SMITH-JET (SMITH consortium of the Medical Informatics Initiative): basic version)
  • NKLM-MI-2020  + (prepared by the Working Group "MI Teaching in Medicine" (Head: M. Dugas, J. Varghese) of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology e.V. (GMDS))
  • NKLM-MI-2015  + (prepared by the Working Group "MI Teaching in Medicine" (Head: M. Dugas, J. Varghese) of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology e.V. (GMDS))
  • LZ-PIN 21013  + (principles of data representation and data analysis using primary and secondary data sources, principles of data mining, data warehouses, knowledge management)
  • LZ-PIN 21024  + (principles of evidence-based medicine and evidence-based nursing)
  • LZ-PIN 21021  + (principles of medical decision making and diagnostic and therapeutic strategies)
  • LZ-PIN 50114  + (procedures to correct for error inflation in multiple testing)
  • LZ-PIN 78  + (procurement processes ( specification of services, requirements and functional specifications) and tendering procedures)
  • LZ-PIN 50223  + (program instruction for direct input of data)
  • LZ-PIN 21047  + (public health informatics)