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Unterhalb werden 20 Seiten angezeigt, auf denen für dieses Attribut ein Datenwert gespeichert wurde.
Information and Communication Systems
+Information and Knowledge Management in Patient Care
+Human Resource Management in Nursing Informatics
+Cross-domain competencies and softskills
+Basics of medicine and principles of medical decision-making in diagnostics and therapy
+Fundamentals of molecular biology, bioinformatics and computational biology
+Statistical foundations of medical research and evidence-based medicine
+Architecture of complex information systems for medical research and care
+Management of complex information systems for medical research and care
+Representing and modeling medical information and knowledge (incl. Ontologies)
+Managing and processing medical signal/image data
+Accessing, managing and mining biomedical big data
+Cross-domain competencies and softskills
+Basics of medicine and principles of medical decision-making in diagnostics and therapy
+Fundamentals of molecular biology, bioinformatics and computational biology
+Statistical foundations of medical research and evidence-based medicine
+Architecture of complex information systems for medical research and care