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Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Einf Med Inf (Aachen) + (Know central application areas and methods of medical informatics. Identify medical-specific requirements and problems of computer-based information processing. Assess research trends in medical informatics.)
- LZ-PIN 35020 + (Knowledge Engineering)
- Delete + (Learning objective deleted)
- New internal structure + (Learning objective inserted for internal structuring)
- Major shift + (Learning objective moved to another domain)
- Minor shift + (Learning objective moved within a domain)
- Take from catalog + (Learning objective taken from another version of the catalogue (not previous))
- Join + (Learning objectives (>1) joined)
- Minor join + (Learning objectives (>1) joined, as they are duplicated)
- Split + (Learning objectives split (>1))
- LZ-PIN 34057 + (Library classification and systematic health-related terminologies and their coding, methods of literature research, automatic indexing, research methods and research paradigms (information literacy).)
- LZ-PIN 31033 + (Literature research in MEDLINE (PubMed) (i.e. using the search syntax correctly and assessing the quality of the knowledge sources))
- LZ-PIN 30035 + (Literature research in MEDLINE (PubMed) (i.e. the search syntax and the quality of the knowledge sources))
- LZ-PIN 30047 + (Literature research in MEDLINE (PubMed) (i.e. the search syntax and the quality of the knowledge sources))
- LZ-PIN 35068 + (Literature/information searches in the relevant databases, with adequate application of a search syntax as well as the use of the corresponding vocabularies with the aim of finding the best available research results (Acquire/Access).)
- D-PIN 40 + (Management Basics)
- LZ-PIN 30084 + (Management aspects of information systems in health care (health information management, strategic and tactic information management, IT governance, IT service management, legal and regulatory issues))
- LZ-PIN 31072 + (Management aspects of information systems in health care (health information management, strategic and tactic information management, IT governance, IT service management, legal and regulatory issues))
- LZ-PIN 32108 + (Management aspects of information systems in health care (health information management, strategic and tactic information management, IT governance, IT service management, legal and regulatory issues))
- LZ-PIN 33093 + (Management aspects of information systems in health care (health information management, strategic and tactic information management, IT governance, IT service management, legal and regulatory issues))
- LZ-PIN 35220 + (Management of biomedical signal and image data)
- D5 + (Management of complex information systems for medical research and care)
- D-PIN 20 + (Management of complex information systems for medical research and care)
- D-PIN 55 + (Management of complex information systems for medical research and care)
- D-PIN 64 + (Management of complex information systems for medical research and care)
- D-PIN 73 + (Management of complex information systems for medical research and care)
- D-PIN 82 + (Management of complex information systems for medical research and care)
- D-PIN 91 + (Management of complex information systems for medical research and care)
- D-PIN 22 + (Managing and processing medical signal/image data)
- D-PIN 57 + (Managing and processing medical signal/image data)
- D-PIN 66 + (Managing and processing medical signal/image data)
- D-PIN 75 + (Managing and processing medical signal/image data)
- D-PIN 84 + (Managing and processing medical signal/image data)
- D-PIN 93 + (Managing and processing medical signal/image data)
- D7 + (Managing and processing medical signal/image data)
- LZ-PIN 30157 + (Measures to ensure high data quality)
- LZ-PIN 31132 + (Measures to ensure high data quality)
- LZ-PIN 30152 + (Measures to ensure high data quality)
- LZ-PIN 32170 + (Measures to ensure high data quality)
- LZ-PIN 34154 + (Measures to ensure high data quality (based on FAIR principles))
- LZ-PIN 33150 + (Measures to ensure high data quality (based on FAIR principles))
- LZ-PIN 35225 + (Measures to ensure high data quality (based on FAIR principles))
- LZ-PIN 33003 + (Medical Devices Act (MPG))
- LZ-PIN 34003 + (Medical Devices Act (MPG))
- LZ-PIN 34117 + (Medical Devices Act (MPG))
- LZ-PIN 35003 + (Medical Devices Act (MPG), Medical Device Regulation (MDR))
- LZ-PIN 33113 + (Medical Devices Law)
- Kapitel 1 + (Medical Information Management and Communication)
- K2 + (Medical classification systems and terminologies)
- Kapitel 2 + (Medical classification systems and terminologies)
- LZ-PIN 35041 + (Medical classifications and terminologies, their structure and field of application)
- K1 + (Medical documentation and information processing)
- LZ-PIN 34059 + (Medical literature research, the research syntax and quality of knowledge sources, and the use of controlled vocabularies for literature research.)
- LZ-PIN 33059 + (Medical literature research, the search syntax, quality of knowledge sources, and the use of controlled vocabularies for literature research.)
- LZ-PIN 32062 + (Medical literature research, the search syntax and the quality of knowledge sources.)
- K7 + (Medical signal and image processing)
- Kapitel 8 + (Medical signal and image processing)