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Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- LT-PIN 3008 + (Fatality)
- D-PIN 77 + (First Steps on HI-LONa)
- D-PIN 86 + (General HIT Knowledge: eHealth/mHealth/Telehealth)
- D-PIN 29 + (General Health Information Technology (HIT)-Knowledge: System Use)
- LT-PIN 3051 + (Goldstandard test)
- GR AOBK + (Guidelines & Rules: Acquiring and Operationalizing Biomedical Knowledge)
- HIT + (HIT)
- LT-PIN 3023 + (Hazard)
- LT-PIN 3024 + (Hazard Ratio (HR))
- MSc UDG Montenegro + (Health Information Management)
- GeshSys (Aachen) + (Health Systems)
- Gesundheitsberater/-in & ‐fürsprecher/-in + (Health advisor & advocate)
- ID-change + (ID-change)
- IT Nutzer/-in + + (IT User +)
- IT Nutzer/-in ++ + (IT User ++)
- IT Nutzer/-in +++ + (IT User +++)
- LT-PIN 3002 + (Incidence)
- LT-PIN 3004 + (Incidence rate)
- LT-PIN 3037 + (Inclusion and exclusion criteria)
- ISMCR AM + (Information Systems for Medical Care and Research: Architecture and Management)
- FvSL (Leipzig) + (Information Systems in Medical Care and Research (International Frank - van Swieten Lectures))
- LT-PIN 3047 + (Internal validity)
- LT-PIN 3057 + (Intervention study)
- Einf Med Inf (Aachen) + (Introduction to Medical Informatics)
- MSc MI (Leipzig) + (Master of Science Biomedical and Health Informatics)
- Medizinische/r Kommunikator/-in + (Medical Communicator)
- MED-DS Aachen + (Medical Data Science)
- LT-PIN- + (Medical Informatics)
- Med Inf Sys (Aachen) + (Medical Information Systems)
- Medizinische/r Verantwortungsträger/-in & Manager/-in + (Medical Officer & Manager)
- Medizinische/r Professionell Handelnde/r + (Medical Professional)
- OS und MDok + (Medical and genetic coding systems and basics of medical data management)
- Medizinische/r Expertin/Experte + (Medical expert)
- Medizinische/r Gelehrte/Gelehrter + (Medical scholar)
- Mitglieder des medizinischen Teams + (Medical team members)
- MethMed4MINT (Aachen) + (Methodology of Medicine for Scientists)
- LT-PIN 3066 + (Milestones)
- LT-PIN 3007 + (Morbidity)
- LT-PIN 3006 + (Mortality)
- NKLM-MI-2015 + (National Competence Based Learning Objectives Catalog Medicine - Medical Informatics)
- NKLM-MI-2020 + (National Competence Based Learning Objectives Catalog Medicine - Medical Informatics)
- LT-PIN 3018 + (Number needed to harm (NNH))
- LT-PIN 3019 + (Number needed to screen (NNS))
- LT-PIN 3017 + (Number needed to treat (NNT))
- LT-PIN 3058 + (Observational study)
- LT-PIN 3015 + (Odds ratio (OR))
- LT-PIN 3035 + (Outcome)
- LT-PIN 3031 + (Pandemic)
- D-PIN 106 + (Patient Empowerment)