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Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- LT-PIN 3062 + (Case-control study)
- Biometrie-2021 + (Catalog of learning objectives in medical biometry for the study of human medicine)
- Epidemiologie-2021 + (Catalogue of Learning Objectives Epidemiology - Basics of Epidemiologiy)
- LT-PIN 3041 + (Causality, Cause-effect relationship)
- LT-PIN 3013 + (Chance, Odds)
- D-PIN + (Chapter 1 of CMI-Catalogue)
- K1 + (Chapter 1 of the NKLM-MI-2015)
- Kapitel 1 + (Chapter 1 of the NKLM-MI-2020)
- D-PIN 2 + (Chapter 2 of CMI-Catalogue)
- K2 + (Chapter 2 of the NKLM-MI-2015)
- Kapitel 2 + (Chapter 2 of the NKLM-MI-2020)
- D-PIN 3 + (Chapter 3 of CMI-Catalogue)
- K3 + (Chapter 3 of the NKLM-MI-2015)
- Kapitel 3 + (Chapter 3 of the NKLM-MI-2020)
- D-PIN 4 + (Chapter 4 of CMI-Catalogue)
- Kapitel 4 + (Chapter 4 of the NKLM-MI-2020)
- K5 + (Chapter 5 of the NKLM-MI-2015)
- Kapitel 5 + (Chapter 5 of the NKLM-MI-2020)
- K6 + (Chapter 6 of the NKLM-MI-2015)
- Kapitel 6 + (Chapter 6 of the NKLM-MI-2020)
- K7 + (Chapter 7 of the NKLM-MI-2015)
- Kapitel 7 + (Chapter 7 of the NKLM-MI-2020)
- K8 + (Chapter 8 of the NKLM-MI-2015)
- Kapitel 8 + (Chapter 8 of the NKLM-MI-2020)
- D-PIN 13 + (Clinical Trials)
- LT-PIN 3061 + (Cohort study)
- D-PIN 102 + (Communication: Care Coordination)
- D-PIN 100 + (Communication: Coding and Terminologies)
- D-PIN 103 + (Communication: Communication and Change)
- D-PIN 101 + (Communication: Prescription)
- CMI-2021 + (Competencies catalog of the GMDS working group "Curricula of Med. Informatics" for Bachelor-Programmes in the context of (Bio-)Medical Informatics and Medical Information Management)
- CompAssChir + (Computer-Assisted Surgery)
- LT-PIN 3044 + (Confounding)
- LT-PIN 3039 + (Control)
- LT-PIN 3034 + (Covariable, Cofactor)
- LT-PIN 3060 + (Cross-sectional study)
- LT-PIN 3003 + (Cumulative incidence)
- DDM (Aachen) + (Data Driven Medicine)
- D-PIN 104 + (Data Protection: Privacy and Security)
- D-PIN 105 + (Data Protection: Quality Management)
- Data Warehouses + (Data Warehouses for medical care and research)
- LT-PIN 3049 + (Diagnostic test)
- D-PIN 95 + (Documentation: Documentation Process)
- D-PIN 97 + (Documentation: Issue Management and Resolution)
- D-PIN 96 + (Documentation: Policies and Procedures)
- D-PIN 24 + (Domain 0)
- D-PIN 25 + (Domain 1)
- Domain 1 + (Domain 1 of IMIA-Rec.)