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Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Takt. Mgmt + (Tactical Management of Information Systems in Medical Care and Research (Project Management))
- Test-Katalog + (Test-Catalog)
- LT-PIN 3010 + (Two-by-two table)
- LT-PIN 3033 + (Variable, Factor)
- D-PIN 99 + (Workflow and Decision Support: Clinical Decision Support Systems)
- D-PIN 98 + (Workflow and Decision Support: Standardized and digitized Workflows for Good Clinical Practice)
- Delete + (delete)
- D0 + (domain 0 of BMHI-LOC)
- D-PIN 68 + (domain 0 of BMHI-LOC V2)
- D-PIN 59 + (domain 0 of BMHI-LOC V3)
- D-PIN 50 + (domain 0 of BMHI-LOC V4)
- D-PIN 15 + (domain 0 of BMHI-LOC V5)
- D1 + (domain 1 of BMHI-LOC)
- D-PIN 87 + (domain 1 of BMHI-LOC V0)
- D-PIN 78 + (domain 1 of BMHI-LOC V1)
- D-PIN 69 + (domain 1 of BMHI-LOC V2)
- D-PIN 60 + (domain 1 of BMHI-LOC V3)
- D-PIN 51 + (domain 1 of BMHI-LOC V4)
- D-PIN 16 + (domain 1 of BMHI-LOC V5)
- D2 + (domain 2 of BMHI-LOC)
- D-PIN 88 + (domain 2 of BMHI-LOC V0)
- D-PIN 79 + (domain 2 of BMHI-LOC V1)
- D-PIN 70 + (domain 2 of BMHI-LOC V2)
- D-PIN 61 + (domain 2 of BMHI-LOC V3)
- D-PIN 52 + (domain 2 of BMHI-LOC V4)
- D3 + (domain 3)
- D-PIN 89 + (domain 3 of BMHI-LOC V0)
- D-PIN 80 + (domain 3 of BMHI-LOC V1)
- D-PIN 71 + (domain 3 of BMHI-LOC V2)
- D-PIN 62 + (domain 3 of BMHI-LOC V3)
- D-PIN 53 + (domain 3 of BMHI-LOC V4)
- D-PIN 18 + (domain 3 of BMHI-LOC V5)
- D4 + (domain 4 of BMHI-LOC)
- D-PIN 90 + (domain 4 of BMHI-LOC V0)
- D-PIN 81 + (domain 4 of BMHI-LOC V1)
- D-PIN 72 + (domain 4 of BMHI-LOC V2)
- D-PIN 63 + (domain 4 of BMHI-LOC V3)
- D-PIN 54 + (domain 4 of BMHI-LOC V4)
- D-PIN 19 + (domain 4 of BMHI-LOC V5)
- D5 + (domain 5 of BMHI-LOC)
- D-PIN 91 + (domain 5 of BMHI-LOC V0)
- D-PIN 82 + (domain 5 of BMHI-LOC V1)
- D-PIN 73 + (domain 5 of BMHI-LOC V2)
- D-PIN 64 + (domain 5 of BMHI-LOC V3)
- D-PIN 55 + (domain 5 of BMHI-LOC V4)
- D-PIN 20 + (domain 5 of BMHI-LOC V5)
- D6 + (domain 6 of BMHI-LOC)
- D-PIN 92 + (domain 6 of BMHI-LOC V0)
- D-PIN 83 + (domain 6 of BMHI-LOC V1)
- D-PIN 74 + (domain 6 of BMHI-LOC V2)